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  • Judy and Mark


Here we are at the Great Salt Lake, and it is indeed GREAT!!! A beautiful salty lake peppered (haha) with more than a dozen large mountainous islands (see below). The water is incredibly warm, has Greek-island-soft sand, no creatures we could see (I guess because it's so crazy salty?), and it's HUGE. How salty is it? Saltier than your mama. No seriously, the Dead Sea has 34% salinity, The Great Salt Lake has been measured as high as 27%, and most oceans hover around 4%. It's salty.

We started with a picnic lunch of leftovers. Then Judy tries to get Mark to come in the water.

He wants no part of it.

So she floats alone. (Mrs!! I miss my floating buddy!)

We dry off our salty selves and head into The Great Salt Desert.

Trains criss-cross this rugged terrain.

And as we drive along, the sand essentially becomes SALT.

And then we see why all the freight trains are here. It's the MORTON SALT GIRL!

Salt is everywhere...!

You would swear it was snow.

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1 Comment

Kathleen Duda
Kathleen Duda
Jul 20, 2020

I love your blog and sharing your adventure stories. You can skip Mono Lake In Cali. It is a lot like the view of the Great Salt Lake from any distance!

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