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  • Judy and Mark

Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas in the Rearview

After Tennessee we got itchy to move into new terrain and tbh couldn't take another serious museum.


Our first major stop was the Dollar General in who-the-hell-knows-where, Arkansas. Dollar Generals have been EVERYWHERE on this trip, and we never realized they sold somewhat fresh food! So with a dozen eggs, 2 bags of frozen broccoli, some mysterious packaged orange cheese that required no refrigeration, and salsa, we had a lovely dinner in the park!


Okay, let's blow outta here. On to Oklahoma, where we made a quick stop in Oklahoma City to see how Americans have commemorated the 1995 bombing. It was very touching and reminded us of the 9/11 Museum & Memorial in NYC and was another serious museum and...yeah...we got back in the van pretty quick.

We spent the next 2 hours debating whether Route 66 was actually still a road or not, and then...

Click here for the Stones singing "Route 66" a verrrry long time ago...


After 10 days of rolling our eyes at Cracker Barrel billboards, they won. We had to try the Cheesecake Pancakes. They were really good.


Now on to TEXAS, where everything is BIG. Miles before Amarillo, we were lured by billboards for THE BIG TEXAN, promising a FREE 72-ounce steak if we could eat the whole thing. Mark was all in until he found out you also had to finish the baked potato, salad, shrimp cocktail, and roll. Click here to learn more about The Big Texan.

And as you exit The Big Texan parking lot, you see this billboard. Ah Texas.

Sunset just before crossing into NEW MEXICO, our next post.

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