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  • Judy and Mark

California Dreamin!

We're finally here! (click this to listen as you read)

Had a wonderful 2-day vaca on the Truckee River, just outside of Tahoe. Our first day out, we parked ourselves at Donner Lake (named for those tragic westward pioneers whose culinary adventures rivaled any challenge you've faced on the NJ Turnpike). Spent the day reading, sleeping, and just staring; it's gonna take some time to get over Nevada.

At just the right moment every evening at our campsite, the mountains turned pink.

And the sunsets...these are for you, Mols.

Day two, we rented bikes and explored the little communities around Lake Tahoe, following many miles of FLAT bike trails along the Truckee River. FLAT. Mark is pleased.

Our last morning in Tahoe, we drove a few miles from our campsite and went for a run near the Boca Reservoir. The sun had not come out yet. The mountains in the morning.

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Jul 23, 2020

So glad you are out of the desert

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