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  • Judy and Mark

Field of Dreams - Welcome to Iowa!

Crossing the mighty Mississippi...

...into the corn fields of Iowa (click photo below for some Dar Williams)

Every mile looks like a painting...

Ready for dinner! THIS is fresh corn. Cooked it for dinner on the camp stove. Was amazing.

This reminded Mark of the times when his dad would stop on the side of the road and get fresh corn for dinner. "Papa" insisted that the only way to eat corn in the summer was to make sure it was picked the same day. And, sure enough, this corn that Judy made for dinner really did taste great!

Watched July 4th fireworks at night on a hilltop with a 360-view of the surrounding towns, each with their own fireworks display. Plus our campground had its own "parade" with a white pickup truck decorated with flags and packed with red, white & blue fans of the USA -- young and old -- waving sparklers and cans of PBR. As they drove by, their slogan for the night was "Freedom ain't Free!"

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1 comentário

Joseph Frohlinger
Joseph Frohlinger
07 de jul. de 2020

Fresh corn is amazing!!!. looks like a great fun trip...

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