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  • Judy and Mark

First Few Days...

Our first few days in the van were a hop-scotch down the east coast visiting dear friends/family, offering up plenty of reasons not to sleep in the van on those 80-degree evenings. Nothing could beat the 2020 send-off at the Hutter/Roos's, but this one came close. We started at Lake Naomi (PA), sharing a homemade supper and late night campfire with Jeff, Julie, Mira & Sydney. A perfect launch.

Then a visit with Sam, Liana, and Stella in DC, where in spite of the rain we enjoyed an awesome Indian meal w plenty of veg options. Here we are giving Liana and Stella a tour of the van. Sam's okay watching.

NEXT STOP: Sol & Leena's in Chapel Hill. Our first time ever visiting them without an army of Aronson's in tow, and it was such a treat to be JUST US GROWN-UPS. Their house still looks amazing (and is entirely air conditioned). We ate the best food, watched vintage home movies (Papa playing Charades), and joined Sol for a Rotary luncheon ("Fellow Raccoons...").

Enough's time to take to the highways and get our history lessons going. We'll be covering a large swath of the Civil Rights Trail on this trip. Our first classroom: The lunch counter at F.W. Woolworth in Greensboro, NC.

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