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  • Judy and Mark

On the Road Again -- Week 4

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Not at all a "normal" week for us. We started and ended the week in our van, but spent the bulk of the week at an Airbnb in Berkeley. This week was so different than the previous 3 weeks and will surely be different from the weeks ahead. I didn't need to search for good coffee or good wifi, and I got a decent fill of TV. Oh happy days! This week was also very different in that Judy and I spent some good quality time with Jacob and Rachel and Lizzie and Dylan. Of course, the highlight was Jacob and Rachel's wedding on Saturday. What a special feeling it is to see your child married! In this crazy Covid world we are all living in, we were very lucky to be here and witness the wedding firsthand. It is all very strange to social distance and not hug your children and not share food together, but we are all going through this. It was great seeing our kids - it has been so long without seeing them. Judy will have a separate post so you can see some wedding pictures.

Our Airbnb was a nice break; a true halfway mark in our journey. We've also figured out our route back. We are going very north. So, no Grand Canyon this trip, no New Mexico, Texas, New Orleans, Georgia, or NC. We started today by going north to Sonoma, where we had some nice wine. We have always wanted to visit here. Tomorrow we will continue to head north through California and then on to Oregon.

Not quite as many interesting observations or tidbits this week:

* Berkeley is VERY hilly

* Berkeley did not have (at least we could not see) many historical markers.

* Mask wearing and social distance compliance in Berkeley is extremely high -- higher than any place we have been to, including NY/NJ.

* Wine tastings are ridiculous. You get a "splash" of wine (they're not even embarrassed to call it that) and they charge you $20.

* Times when Judy is driving are not relaxing for this passenger.

Our itinerary for week 4: Day 24 - American River RV Resort - Coloma, CA Day 25/29 - Airbnb - Berkeley, CA Day 30 - KOA - Petaluma, CA

And finally, signing off with this classic:

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Stacey McDonald
Stacey McDonald
Jul 29, 2020

my favorite line: "...times when Judy is driving are not relaxing for this passenger." - love it!

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