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  • Judy and Mark

The Badlands

After the morning hikes in the Black Hills, we spent the heat of the day at a cafe in Spearfish, SD called The Green Bean, enjoying iced coffee, "Woodstock" wraps jammed with fresh veggies, clean bathrooms and air conditioning, while Mark got work done and Judy dug into the blog :)

Then headed to The Badlands, sighting these beauties along the way.

You can see how people out west are so spiritual.

With every minute, the colors deepened and became even more distinctive.

It was too hot to hike, so we did it all by car. Who rules the road?!!!

Finally dusk fell.

And right on schedule, the storm clouds gathered and we got our nightly text from the National Weather Service. This has been our only stressor in South Dakota.

Seventeen minutes where Mother Nature has a complete hissy fit...

And then...

...she was all smiles.

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2 Kommentare

Andrew Kovar
Andrew Kovar
11. Juli 2020

SHABBAT SHALOM!Looks like an amazing trip

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Stacey McDonald
Stacey McDonald
10. Juli 2020

Man... there's something wrong w/my speakers - will most definitely have to replay the video of MN's "hissy fit" with sound. Also, am LOVIN' the pics! Did you know Brian's birthplace is Rapid City, SD? Grandma Opal used to live in Spearfish.

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