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  • Judy and Mark

The Road Home

Relax. No history lesson in this post, but kudos to the People of Illinois.

Clearly, Lincoln was their favorite Republican.

We make it through Chicago, Mark spots the Route 80 sign, and we're going home.

So while that's what the sign said, this is how it looked in Mark's head:

Here's our trip for the next 3 days:

Stop for gas at the end of each day so Mark can binge on some gas station TV.

(Have you seen these gas pumps that show little TV shows while you pump gas?!?).

Rinse. Repeat. See you tomorrow for our final day on the road.

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Joseph Frohlinger
Joseph Frohlinger
Aug 12, 2020

Stuck watching Gas station TV .. there's a good country music song in there...

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