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  • Judy and Mark

Welcome to Oregon

Wins our prize for the most creative state "welcome" sign -- it's on the road to Crater Lake.

Stopped for lunch first (Mark is actually much happier than he looks here -- it was his idea, surprisingly, to stop for a picnic).

And even Ansel Aronson was moved to take some pics.

Then on to Crater Lake, which was truly a highlight of the trip. The colors of everything -- the lake, the hills, the sky -- change as you hike around (a homage to Sly Lake, CW).

And of course an Escape Campervan sighting as we leave. Count on one in every National Park parking lot. And worth noting, Mark (on his own) struck up a conversation with the four young women who rented it. Wow, the effect of all this mountain air!

As we make our way down from Crater Lake, we actually pass SNOW! That night, our campground will be 80 degrees as we go to bed.

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Debbie Mitzman
Debbie Mitzman
Aug 01, 2020

Just beautiful - Can’t wait to see where you are headed next!

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