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  • Judy and Mark

"Winding Road"

The rivers and mountains of Idaho are mesmerizing. Five minutes into the van chugging up our first mountain of the morning, we read this sign. I gasp "Ohhh" at the same moment Mark groans "Ughhh." Worth the laugh.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride...

We got out to hike through the very same Lolo Pass that enabled Lewis & Clark to cross the Bitterroot Mountains. Then a few more miles in the van and we were in Montana! This is not the sign that greeted us, but we like it better. [Mark's comment: Note she referred to THEM

as Lewis & Clark.]

Drove through Missoula (cute town) and headed to Butte to spend the night at the KOA.

Walked around Butte's historic district and located a synagogue! (Lo and behold, found out Julie had family that settled in Butte.)

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Next stop? Naturally the Jewish cemetery, which takes up a decent portion of the city cemetery. It's very beautiful.

Ended the day at the Butte Brewing Company - they brew all of these! LOTS of breweries like this on our trip (and fortunately they have COVID-friendly balconies so we can sit outside).

Sweet dreams from the KOA in Butte, Montana.

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