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  • Judy and Mark

So, we've reached the one week mark and let me answer the question to those who may be asking... "How did they decide to do this? And, doesn't Mark hate camping?" The answer to the second part is yes of course (to anyone who knows Mark). goes the explanation.. This trip (that we are calling Honeymoon 2.0) is a real testatment to the attribute of compromise in a marriage. If it was up to Judy, we would be camping in a tent in the woods on this trip and if it was up to Mark, we would be staying in Starwood Properties accruing points to maintain his platinum status.

There were a number of compromises along the way but we decided on our Escape Campervan, staying in KOA campsites with wifi and bathrooms, and once a week staying in a hotel. And, for the most part, this has worked out. Truth be told, Mark does have a tandrum every night for a few hours when the wifi goes down and the bugs swarm in, but we're working on solutions to this. The days are great! It has been a ton of fun traveling, just the two of us, switching off between listening to audio books (thank you, Beth!), podcasts, country music and then the occasional local talk radio. Stopping at every brown sign along the way (historical markers) where Mark often sits in the car and Judy is absolutely fascinated at the most boring (according to Mark) historical stuff that has taken place throughout the country. But, occasionally, there is something that is actually interesting to Mark (The place of the Lincoln - Douglas debates) so it is all good.

Our daily routine is....well... routine. Judy goes for a run each morning and Mark searches for coffee and wifi with mixed success (again... we're working on this!). Judy cooks her same breakfast out of the van (oatmeal) and Mark eats peanut butter on bread. Then, we hit the road again, compromising between the interstate (which Mark loves) and the small two-lane roads (which Judy loves). We travel, on average, 4 hours of driving per day with a stop for lunch in a town. Mark puts in a couple of hours of work in the morning and then two more in the afternoon or evening, with a business call or two during the day. Fitting in Mark's work has been a bit more stressful than expected but that, too, will sort itself out into a better routine. We generally arrive at our campsite, always a KOA, in the early evening. That's what Judy has come to call "the witching hour." Between the heat, the poor wifi, and the bugs, Mark, should we say, has not quite yet adapted. As Mark pouts in the van, Judy cooks dinner, prepares the campsite and then cleans up dinner and converts the van to the sleeping mode. A formula for the perfect marriage!

A few days in, Mark began describing his challenges with this journey as "like being in prison for 6 weeks and your best friend is your cellmate." Although we wouldn't quite say that Mark is ready for an Outward Bound vacation, he has made it through the first week, which has already surpassed how long Jacob and Sam thought he'd last. But don't be fooled... week one has been really good. It's great being together and it's been fun exploring the country. Eye-opening and interesting

Now, a couple of quick observations.... 1) KOA's are not at all the same. They vary greatly in terms of service, accommodations, cleanliness, and location. 2) It is true that most people in red states do not wear masks. 3) There are historical markers EVERYWHERE! 4) Robert and Colleen Cramer are as nice in person as they are on Zoom 5) Molly's roommates are as great as she said they would be. 6) Our Philly friends are still kind, wild, and crazy!

Judy does plan to create a map of our journey, but in the meantime here is where we have been in this first week:

Day 1 - Beth and Ken's driveway in Ambler, PA

Day 2- KOA in Frederickberg, VA

Day 3 - KOA in Sutton, WV

Day 4 - KOA in Lebanon, OH

Day 5 - KOA in Kankakee, IL

Day 6 - KOA in Lena, IL

Day 7- KOA in Newton, Iowa

Day 8- KOA in Sioux Falls, SD

And.... tomorrow (Mark is Soooooo excited) is a hotel!!!!! - The Spearfish Canyon Lodge in Lead, SD.

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  • Judy and Mark

And a visit to Chicago to see MOLLY!!!

Her apartment is the COOLEST.

Had a great visit. Met her two wonderful roommates, grabbed Puerto Rican takeout and ate in Humboldt Park, toured her neighborhood for 4 hours, said goodbye as the sun was setting. See her in Nyack in about a month :)

But wait...there's more... passed through Freeport on the way to the KOA, where we stood on the sight of the second of seven Lincoln-Douglas debates. A good historical stop. Mark actually got out of the van and was into it.

Shabbat Shalom from Lena, Illinois. Mules and martinis with two mosquito candles.

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  • Judy and Mark

Click the photo below for a road tripping tune. Then come with us to visit the home of President Benjamin Harrison, where we got a cool porch tour. House was COVID closed.

And who can resist The Battle of Tippecanoe, precursor to the War of 1812, fought by Benjamin Harrison's grandfather William Henry Harrison (and home to good wifi and a surprisingly roomy port-a-potty!)

Not a whole lot to keep our attention in Indiana, but they did have a ton of corn fields that had cool windmills that were "high as an elephant's eye."

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Torrential rain as we leave our house, then just as we get on the NJ Turnpike and we're gifted with a rainbow (look beyond the white car in the distance)

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